With our Mosquito Protection category, we are collectively declaring war on heartless mosquito swarms, reclaiming the most peaceful outdoor nights along reed-covered water surfaces and open forest meadows with ingenious hardware and clever gear. Thanks to Nitecore's electronic mosquito repellent, there's nothing standing in the way of serene camp life between quiet ponds and shallow pools anymore. This handy high-tech mosquito defense bravely counters tired weary mozzie maneuvers.

In addition to Nitecore’s well-thought-out EMR series, you'll find a variety of fine outdoor essentials here, from sleeping bags to ponchos, all equipped with integrated mosquito protection. They support you optimally from cozy terrace evenings to wild bivouac parties in the field. With the best performers of tactical mosquito defense, we'll take the damp, warm air out of those pesky bloodsuckers' wings and silence the annoying buzzing of unwanted intruders in no time. Buzz off!

TACWRK Mosquito Protection